Autumn is upon us, and that means putting away those sandals, open-toe shoes and (heaven forbid!) flip-flops until next Summer rolls around. Cooler temperatures require wardrobe adjustments, and that includes our footwear. The podiatrist at Boynton Podiatry Associates has some handy tips to help you to step into Autumn comfortably.
If you’ll be spending time enjoying the foliage and strolling through fall festivals, don’t look for the cheapest or most fashionable sneakers or walking shoes. Choose a brand with good arch support and adequate cushioning to prevent discomfort and fatigue.
There’s sure to be rain in the forecast, so look for a pair of waterproof boots with ample arch support and cushioning to protect your feet from moisture and cold. Make sure those boots have soles with good traction to prevent slips and falls on wet surfaces.
For lounging around the house, choose a pair of slippers that have a non-slip sole to prevent accidents. Fuzzy slippers may look nice and keep your feet cozy, but make sure they’ve got the traction to keep you from slipping on bare wood floors and wet bathroom tiles.
Foot care becomes more important as the weather turns cool, and here are a few suggestions:
Autumn is a perfect time to step into our office at Boynton Podiatry Associates. We’ll perform a comprehensive examination and help ensure that you’re moving comfortably and confidently this season!