505 SE 6th Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435

Top Reasons It’s Time To See A Podiatrist

September 29, 2022

The doctor of podiatric medicine at Boynton Podiatry Associates is a specialist in all medical and surgical conditions of the foot and ankle for children and adults. We have received a wealth of education and training in the care of the foot and ankle — in fact, more than any other healthcare provider. The comprehensive care we provide encompasses a wide variety of issues, including our ability to detect signs of conditions like cardiovascular disease, arthritis and diabetes.

If you’re considering seeking medical attention for a condition of the foot or ankle, here’s a guide to some of the most common reasons patients seek our care:

  • Fungal infections such as athlete’s foot that are not going away despite the use of over-the-counter treatments.
  • You are unsure if you’ve sprained or broken a bone in the ankle or foot.
  • Before starting a running program, it’s wise to have an assessment to avoid injury.
  • The joints in your ankles or feet are stiff and painful, which could be signs of arthritis. 
  • If you have diabetes, it’s imperative to visit our podiatrist at least once a year to help lower the risk of the infections that can occur with this condition.
  • An ingrown toenail, especially on the big toe, has become infected.
  • You have calluses or corns, those thick, painful areas of skin that can build up.
  • Bunions, those bumps at the base of the big toe, will likely get worse if left untreated.
  • You’ve developed heel pain, possibly caused by a bony growth known as a spur, or an inflamed tendon.
  • Some conditions of the foot and ankle that don’t respond to treatment may require surgery, and no one is better trained and equipped to perform the procedure than our podiatrist. 

The personal care and attention our patients receive at Boynton Podiatry Associates are why our patients trust us to keep them on their feet. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office today for an appointment.